The first steps entering the job marketing can be very scary and uncertain. Especially in the current environment our world is witnessing.
Ascension Sports Partners wants to become an ally to any student who is looking for some extra guidance and assistance making this leap. We will help you through our A.S.C.E.N.D. System to put your best foot forward and arm you with “insider” tips and knowledge to assure you are well prepared for the challenge.
This offering is targeted to college students approaching graduation who are ready to begin a search for their first job out of college. As well as recent college graduates who want a more targeted job search plan and strategy.

Becky Lee
former Placed Candidate
"I am so grateful for the day Dan that first email regarding the role at the El Paso Chihuahuas back in 2013. I truly appreciate all that you did to help me gain this position. Thank you, Dan! I have a career that I love and I am in my hometown with my husband, family & friends, things are really great for me".